Why Scalable Business Means Better Business

Is your business prepared to handle an influx of clients or customers?

If the planning involved in organizing your company processes to prepare for such a moment is becoming overwhelming, there is a simple solution that you can leverage to address this problem. You can look at how you approach your company’s scalability.

Scalability is defined as the ability to grow your business without being limited by resources or structure. It is about making your operations smarter, which in turn leads to stronger results. Scalable businesses are proven to have revenues that outpace expenses, the ability to expand quickly into new markets, the ability to respond rapidly to change, and the time to focus on improving culture to retain top employees.

Here are four important reasons to encourage your company to prepare to scale when automating your organizational processes.

  1. Transparency

    Making your company scalable requires transparency, which allows for continuous improvement. When all members of a company understand key processes and possible limitations, they are more likely to work toward finding solutions.  My most effective salesperson ever had a keen understanding of the standard processes used in delivering her sales.

  2. Efficiency

    In order to scale efficiently, you must understand the smaller components of how your company runs its operations. Understanding your processes in detail provides a quick and easy way to identify breakdowns and implement improvements, including finding areas from which you can cut costs and areas to which you can devote more attention.

  3. Durability

    Knowing where your processes fail or are less stable is just as important as knowing where they are running well so that your company or organization can proactively adapt to different situations and shore up weaknesses when needed. When your company focuses on the top components of its business model that fail, it can find ways to focus immediate attention to these flawed components in order to avoid routinely dedicating time and effort to fixing the same problems.

  4. Creativity

    Standardizing the mundane can allow more space and time for creative business efforts, including hiring and building stronger more cohesive teams, creating new opportunities, improving marketing materials, and building customer loyalty. When automation allows effort to be shifted away from more routine processes, more employees can use that additional time to learn and develop skills to better impact the company as a whole.


Implementing Agile Behavior in Any Business Environment